Sword Art Online Fatal Bullet Player Count

To be fair there were hardly any online rooms to begin with. But yeah i feel ya, i would like to do co-op/pvp just to take a break from farming legendaries but it's either a bad host (due to the P2P nature of lobbies) or when you find one with good ping get booted for being too high a level lol.


23 Mar, 2018 @ 11:42pm

the online modes are ♥♥♥♥, what do you expect? the pvp would be a fun curiosity for a bit but the netcode uses p2p so good luck with that.


24 Mar, 2018 @ 8:18am

The focus of the game is unfortunately the single player mode.

Originally posted by Key:

The focus of the game is unfortunately the single player mode.

before this game release i search data of this game and i know i can play multiplayer online and this game make from ggo story so i thought i can play this game with other player like ragnarok online or at least i can play with other player like monster hunter so i buy this game with full price because i hope i can play with other player but now i see online co-op of this game is dead in 1-2 month after game release and i feel sick from this trouble

You also have to consider that alot of games on steam with online co-op operate strangely. Your download location you set in options limits who you can connect to, bascally if they aren't using the same download location as you are, they generally will not show up for you at all. Its a problem for many games on steam with multiplayer. Its steams fault too, as it uses steamworks or something steam specific to handle the multiplayer, and as I said, your download location determines who you can see to play with. Unlike Ps4 where you'd see everyone online.

For me to play co-op with my best friend who lives in the USA, in many games on steam that use the steam servers for the purpose (which alot of them do). I usually have to ask what his download location is set to, and then I have to set mine to it, or else we won't see each other.

You also have to consider how short the game is, its not a game your going to spend a long time on as the main story is rather bland and quite short.

Last edited by Scyris; 24 Mar, 2018 @ 8:40am

Originally posted by Eulivere:

Originally posted by Key:

The focus of the game is unfortunately the single player mode.
before this game release i search data of this game and i know i can play multiplayer online and this game make from ggo story so i thought i can play this game with other player like ragnarok online or at least i can play with other player like monster hunter so i buy this game with full price because i hope i can play with other player but now i see online co-op of this game is dead in 1-2 month after game release and i feel sick from this trouble

That is your fault, the game was never marketed as a mmorpg/mmo game. Also you need to consider monster hunter is much more popular than the SAO games, so the low playerbase also hurts co-op.

It's a singleplayer focused game at the end of the day... Every SAO game has been this way, I dunno why people honestly thought this one was going to be any different.

i will take this experience as lesson of life

It's an anime game ofc it's gonna be dead, these games have always been tailored a small niche of players and many of them are playing for the single player so the online community is very small.


24 Mar, 2018 @ 1:11pm

If they made pve more than just boss fights it would be fun. Open world roaming with dungeon runs would be enough for me to just randomly hop on and play online, but I'm not going to waste my time with super weak boss fights that die in 30 seconds or less.

i would play online more often if it wasnt for the serious lag in the game as well as the lack of effort put into multiplayer i mean seriously is just boss fights with 4 extra people


24 Mar, 2018 @ 9:58pm

multiplayer was dead on release. its not really the game, its just the crappy lobby system they have. plus their isnt much reward for playing multiplayer.

most people probably dont have good pcs to handle that many people anyway.

i feel game devs make these generic multiplayer modes to slap on multiplayer on game title.

Join a Fatal Bullet Discord. Tbh random Co-op kinda sucks since everyone is min maxed to the limit and you'll end up being kicked if you have the audacity of playing the way you want

honestly, the only reason i would do the online modes is for the achievements to get them out of the way because they are so stupid, making achievements dependant on others is one of the absolute most stupid ideas a developer can come up with. Along with the AI this game has. Game is fun, but dang so many stupid choices.

Sword Art Online Fatal Bullet Player Count

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/app/626690/discussions/0/1698294337775158507/

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